Research Essay Canada should allow more foreigners to become Canadian If we walk on the street in downtown of Vancouver, or take a look at the cafeteria of some colleges and universities, we will see a lot of people who are from other countries, such as China, Japan, Korea, Iran and Brazil. When we go to the Vancouver international airport, if some international flights from Asia have just arrived, we will see a big crowd of Asian coming out of the gates. Not only that, but there are lots of houses and business which belong to Chinese in North Burnaby and Richmond. As more and more immigrants come to Canada, TV is showing a higher frequency of foreign programs. Since the majority of the immigrants can make different kinds of contributions to Canada, the Canadian government should allow more and more foreigners to immigrate to Canada. First of all, immigrants can change the structure of the age and increase the population of Canada.
There are about 30 million people in Canada whose area is the second largest in the world. This number of population seems to be too small for this big country. In discussing the relationship of immigrants and population aging in Canada, Denton, Spencer and Fever point out, ! ^0 As is well known, Canada’s population is aging: the total fertility rate has been below the natural replacement level D. Chen 2 since the early 1970 s, life expectancy has continued to rise, and the baby boomers are hitting middle age, and will start to retire in less than 20 years. Thus population and labour force growth rates are on long-run downward paths and the proportion of older people is projected to increase sharply in the next century! +/- (39).
It is easy to conclude from the above source that Canada have to change this situation which will decrease the population size.
In surveying the relationship of immigrants and age structure in Canada, Shiva and Leo reports, ! ^0 One is that immigration would be a solution to population aging. [… ] The impact of immigration on the age structure can best be appreciated by comparing the median age of immigrants at arrival to that of the Canadian population. […
] The median age of the entire Canadian population has changed much more, increasing from 26. 3 in 1962 to 35. 3 in 1996. In effect, the median age of arriving immigrants has been about a year younger than that of the receiving population over period 1945-71, changing to two years younger by 1981 and close to five years younger in the period 1991-6! +/- (98).
After comparing the median age of immigrants and natives, it is obvious that immigrants will increase Canadian population. In addition, Bruce Bartlett observes in his discussion about the relationship of immigration and population in Canada, ! ^0 According to the D. Chen 3 UN, not one major country now has sufficient internal population growth to maintain itself. Just to keep the population from falling, a nation needs a fertility rate of about 2. 1 children per woman. Among major countries, only the United States is even close, at 1.
99. [… ] In some cases, this results in dramatic population declines. With low birth rates and increasing longevity, the percentage of the population over age 65 will double in almost every major country [… ] Therefore, there will be fewer prime-age workers to support future retirees! +/- (19).
Canada is certainly a major country in the world, so it needs immigrants to change the situation of low rate birth.
Although there are some immigrants who are gray-headed, most immigrants are about 20 to 30. This new blood of population will help Canada increase its population to a higher level Secondly, immigrants can improve the quality of the population in Canada. As is well known, independent and skilled immigrants, who are in the majority of all immigrants, must be able to obtain a certain number of points based on their personal skills education and occupations which are useful, popular and listed occupations for which immigration Canada lists points, such as program design, internet technology and engineering. A capable applicant must also have at least Bachelor! s degree and 1 full year work experience in specified fields of employment. As a result, only those really qualified applicants can satisfy those requirements of becoming an immigrant.
Consequently, most independent and skilled D. Chen 4 immigrants, who are well educated and pass the test for immigration, will make their own contribution to Canada, which is their new home. In addition, some international students who have graduated from universities of Canada, like UBC and SFU, wish to become immigrants as well. In spite of the fact that some of them don! t have work experience, those students, especially Chinese, usually have very good grades.
I interviewed 2 Chinese classmates of mine, the question I asked was, ! ^0 what is your grade point average so far? ! +/- one said to me, ! ^0 I got 1 A+, 3 A! s, 1 A- and 3 B+, and my gpa is 3. 74 after I finished 8 courses! +/- (chang).
The other answered, ! ^0 my gpa is 3. 62 after I finished 8 courses! +/- (zhang).
Since the gpa requirement of computer science, which is the most popular major now, in UBC is 3. 2, I think my classmates! gpa are really high.
One article observes that 85% of the students who got scholarship of a high school in Burnaby were Asian (! ^0 A comparison! Those immigrants with good quality can really improve the quality of population in Canada. The last, which is also the most important, reason of why the immigration department of Canada should allow more and more foreigners to immigrate to Canada is that immigrants can improve the economic situation of Canada. The essential part of a market is the population size. The best example to illustrate this is the market of China, which has such a big population that it attracts lots of corporations to invest in China. This is one of the most important reasons why China has D. Chen 5 developed so fast these years.
According to Derek Decloet in his discussion of the demand of immigration in BC, ! ^0 Others believe that without a steady increase in the number of consumers, the economy will stop growing! +/- (33).
So more immigrants of Canada will increase the expenditure of the population; consequently, it will offer more jobs and improve the economic situation at the same time. In showing the immigration and refugee law of Canada, James Turner says, ! ^0 You may be able to immigrate to Canada as an Entrepreneur if you can demonstrate that you have the ability to establish, purchase or make substantial investment in a business in Canada that will create employment opportunities for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident other than yourself or dependants. An Investor is a person who has successfully operated a business and has accumulated a net worth of at least $500, 000 Canadian. The investor must make a minimum investment in an approved investment fund of either $250, 000 or $350, 000 depending on the Province in which the investment is made.
! +/- Every successful investor has to invest $250, 000 or $350, 000 in order to get a Canadian visa. The government can use this big amount money from immigrants to invest in stock market, or make other investments. This increase of money supply and those successful investor will indeed help Canada improve both the economic situation and standard of living. In comparing immigrants and native population, Shiva and Leo D. Chen 6 admit, ! ^0 Furthermore, the focus of this line of research is on the comparison of immigrants with native population, the question being, ! (R) Do immigrants succeed in the labour market as well as non immigrants? ! The answer has often been! (R) yes, ! and sometimes immigrants do even better than natives! +/- (185).
It is clear to see that immigrants can increase the labour productivity; hence, they can improve the economic situation of Canada.
The government of Canada should allow more immigrants to come to Canada since immigrants can bring Canada so much benefit. One article notes, ! ^0 The provinces will support a more active settlement program for immigrants because it is in their interests to keep the newcomers they attract, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Lucienne Robillard said Thursday! +/- (! ^0 Province! Immigration Minister Lucienne Robillard also says, ! ^0 This government — and the Canadians that it serves — recognizes the importance of promoting immigration as an instrument of positive social and economic development. [… ] We are clearly attracting the economic immigrants we need to strengthen our economy. We are also bringing in skilled workers to meet specific labor market needs! +/- (44).
He also concludes, ! ^0 In conclusion, Mr.
Speaker, Canada has a dynamic immigration program. This is crucial because immigration is only going to become more and more important in the coming decades. Immigration has helped shape our past. We are what we are because of D.
Chen 7 generation s of immigrants. Immigration will continue to shape our destiny as we look to the 21 st century and beyond! +/- (47).
All truth indicates that the government of Canada has already loosed the policy of the immigration, and I believe Canada will accept more immigrants and also develop further in the future.