By Law, People Who Want to Have Children Should be Required to Take a Child Raising Course One of the common misconceptions that most of married couples believe is that conceiving and raising a child is the issue that only needs to be discussed within the context of family relations. This approach, however, does not consider the fact that the well-being of society, as whole, directly depends of how the new members of this society are being brought up. As result, parents often implant their children with anti-social attitudes, since very early stages of their lives. This is because the process of parenting is a complicated issue, which often requires parents to be good psychologists, in order for them to be able to benefit their children in the long run. Ever since our country embraced multiculturalism, as foundation, upon which social policies are being based, it resulted in the increase of the number of children, whose birth was not really anticipated by their parents. People of European descend usually get married by the time they reach their thirties of forties, when they are fully capable of understanding the basics of parenting. On the other hand, representatives of minorities often get married when they are 18 or 19 years old.
It is not an uncommon for such people to have 3-4 children in the family, while being fully dependent on social services, as the main source of income. It is understood that young parents simply do not posses the necessary psychological skills, which would allow them to raise their children in the most effective way. Therefore, in order for them to be entitled with parenting rights, they will need to attend child-raising classes on compulsory basis. It does not take much of a talent to conceive a child; however, raising a child is entirely different matter. The potential parents will have to learn how to encourage children to behave in socially acceptable manner and how to instill them with love for studying, without resorting to physical punishments, as motivational mean. The child-raising course will teach parents how to detect problematic issues early enough, during the process of parenting, and how to address them. It will also allow them to gain an insight on what causes their children to act in one way or another, which in its turn, will enable parents to choose in favor of proper incentives, when it comes to adjusting childrens behavior.
Only those people who understand the most fundamental principles of parenting may be qualified for the role of parents. As practice shows, these principles can easily be taught, regardless of whether parents want to learn them or not, for as long as they are required to attend child-raising courses by the law. This is why potential parents would be much better off if they thought of attending such courses as their duty as citizens.
Child-Raising and Teaching Responsibility. 2007. Senior Magazine Online. Retrieved November 21, 2007 from es/caregiverarticles/parenting/taking-reponsibilit y.htm Child Raising DisciplineProblem Child Solved! 2006.
Natural Mom’s Talk Radio. Retrieved November 21, 2007 from blem-child-solved.htm Frechette, L. Hints On Raising Children. 2002. Inner Self.Com. Retrieved November 21, 2007 from n-raising-children.html Ford, D.
Raising Culturally Responsive and Responsible Children. 2002. Duke University. Retrieved November 21, 2007 from rticle.html Raising Children Free of Prejudice. 2007. Family Education.Com. Retrieved November 21, 2007 from 2.html Abstract: This paper promotes the idea that attending child-raising courses must be made compulsory..