In the 21st century, workplace diversity has enhanced organization performances and communication skills which benefited the organizations to become successful businesses. Increasing adaptability in the workplace, having to value diversity, and executing more effectively are three benefits of workplace diversity. Organizations most definitely have the ability to embrace their workplace diversity by helping their employees realize the benefits that enhances the business to become more competitive and successful. Unfortunately there are researchers that argue that workplace diversity can lead to problems in the business.
Increasing adaptability is extremely beneficial for both management and employees for their business to be on the right track, and it allows keeping the diversity in the workplace stable. According to Greenburg (2005),” Organizations employing a diverse workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources.” To increase the adaptability in a diverse workplace the management team and the employees must be able to work together. For associates and employers must work on adapting to organizational change, different cultures, different people, and new technology. Increasing adaptability in a diverse workplace can provide employees and management to enjoy working for the organization.
Organizations that have multicultural employers usually supply greater adaptability in the workplace. ”Employees with diverse backgrounds tend to bring their great individual talents and experiences to the workplace” (Greensburg, 2005, para.3).
Furthermore in a diverse workforce one of management’s goals is to find strategies on how to help adapt their employees to work together through today’s daily challenges to become a strong and competitive workforce. In addition companies that promotes training on teaching their diverse employers how to work together, and adapting to each other without problems.
In today’s organizations, companies that value diversity allows employers to provide great ideas and personal viewpoints, and it is beneficial to the company because it brings creativity, innovation, and problem solving.(Harisis,Kleiner,1993) Valuing diversity also helps employers to feel more comfortable with communicating with each other regardless of multicultural employers. It is important for companies to show that their employers are valued, and that the employees are important to companies. “The true meaning of valuing diversity is to respect and enjoy a wide range of cultural and individual differences, thereby including everybody.”(Durbin,2007,pg:381) Valuing a diverse workforce can also use the a different ways to value their employees for example: “open door policy”, and which is a communication policy in which a manager, CEO, president or supervisor leaves their office door “open” in order to be open and listen within the employees of that company. (Heathfield,S) Furthermore it important for all organizations to value having a diverse workforce, and it allows the employers to value the multicultural workforce.
Increasing performance and productivity encourages all the organizations to execute on their work occupations more effectively. According to Greensburg, “Companies that encourage diversity in the workplace inspire all of their employees to perform to their highest ability. Company-wide strategies can then are executed; resulting in higher productivity, profit, and return on investment”. (2005,para.6) Companies must strive for strategies on how or what they can do to become a more effective company and, that is the management’s role in the company. In addition, a great strategy that can help employees to execute more effectively in their work is by receiving motivation and trust from their managers. In a diverse workforce if there are employees with diverse skills and talents it can minimize the amounts of solutions to fix, and can encourage the employers’ to work their best. (Greenburg, 2004)
Lastly, Creativity from management is a huge factor in executing more effectively in a diverse workforce. Companies that hire collective educated and experienced employers tend to have a bigger opportunity of working more effectively, and those employers also tend to inspire the other employers to work their best. “The overall goal of diversity is not only to tolerate those who are different from us, but also to allow the differences of others to enrich our view of the world and to learn to work cooperatively with them”.(Robison Wood,2009) Figure 1,Is a picture with a lot of meanings of working together regards of the workplace diversity. Figure 1.
The problem that most organizations are arguing is that diversity can also lead to misunderstanding, suspicion, and conflict which can result in low competitiveness and performance in the workplace. “However, the preponderance of the evidence favors a more pessimistic view: that diversity creates social decisions, which in turn create negative performance outcome for the group.”(Mannix, Neale, 2005) Sometimes not all companies are in the same situations when it comes to the diversity the workplace, and also not all the associates of management are leading their employees by not encouraging or giving them the trust they need. In addition I agree with my secondary research, therefore I believe that if the companies apply strategies in increasing adaptability, having to value diversity, and executing more effectively will bring great competitive and success to the company. Conclusion
In conclusion, Organizations should definitely have the ability to embrace their workplace diversity by helping their employees realize the benefits that enhances the business to become competitive and successful. There are three main factors that are beneficial to the workplace diversity. Increasing adaptability enhances organizations employing a diverse workforce to supply a greater variety of solutions to problems, and to work together through today’s daily challenges. Hiring employers with good education and experience can show other employees to work at their best, and it will help the employees to adapt to the diverse workforce. Value diversity benefits the companies to feel comfortable communicating and expressing different viewpoints and ideas can always benefit a diversity workplace. Valuing diversity is beneficial to the company because it brings creativity, innovation, and problem solving. Finally executing more effectively in a diverse workforce is company employers to work together by communicating, strategizing ideas, showing their skills and talents, and doing the best they can. Companies with multicultural employees have higher chances of being a successful diverse workforce.
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