Higher education can be defined as the education that can be gained by an individual through studying at universities, colleges and other collegial institutions. This post-secondary or tertiary education is a non-compulsory education after graduating from high school or any other secondary school. An academic reward usually accompanied the graduation that distinguishes the skills and knowledge of an individual among others with his own field of specialization. These can be in the form of certificates, diplomas or academic degrees. Higher education usually appears to be in the form of teaching, researches and social services.
These activities are usually provided by the universities and colleges in the realm of teaching. It also includes both the undergraduate level and post-graduate level which includes Ph. D. and master’s degrees. In the case of United Kingdom, the type of education that falls under the level of higher education but can also be classified as a post-secondary education is termed as further education. They usually include working skills with the level of degree that one may attain and thereby, making them a foundation degree qualification.
There are mainly two classifications of higher education as it is dictated in the United Kingdom, the higher general education and the higher vocational education. In United States, higher education simply refers to as education offered by several institutions including the associate degrees, baccalaureate degrees, master’s degrees and Ph. D. degrees. These institutions may also grant non-degree certificates which may prove the acquisition of knowledge and skills that can be useful for specific jobs.
The right to acquire a degree from higher education institutions started on 1950 when Article 2 of the first Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights imposed the right of all individual to acquire proper education. United Nations also supported this law by providing the Article 13 of 1966 which states the accessibility of higher education to all, making it a standard goal on the basis of wealth and capacity through legal means. This law further supported the introduction of higher education to all by supporting the progressive implementation of free education.
Higher education provides many advantages for a person as he takes his step towards employment and success. Some of the primary reasons why higher education should globally encourage are: (1) it can lead to higher salaries and more benefits for the employee; (2) it can encourage more employment options and reduce unemployment; (3) to promote higher saving levels; (4) to increase the personal learning as well as the professional mobility of the worker; (5) to improve life style and quality living that will lead to improved life expectancy and quality life for his offspring.
One good example of these positive effects is the state of North Dakota. Some benefits brought by the implementation of higher education that are commonly noticed in the place are having 70 percent increase in the level of income of the residents and unemployment are reduced into five times less than before resulting into less amount of assistance that are needed to be offered by the government among its people. The state of Utah is another good example of this implementation of higher education.
The number of enrollees in Utah have grown into significant amount during 1982 and 1983 which eventually lead to good results. The succeeding years have been very helpful for Utah as its education rates and level had increased to a desirable level. Utah showed great success during those succeeding years in terms of education level and economy. Utah became also a top performer on Measuring Up 2004 as it promotes the higher education for he students.
It is definitely very advantageous to promote and encourage the students to pursue their studies and to be able to gain degrees on their own specialization. This will enable them to help themselves as individuals and promote a better economy for their state as they become part of the working class. Reference: Hill, Kent, Dennis Hoffman & T. R. Rex. 2005. The Value of Higher Education: Individual and Societal Benefits. Arizona State University http://wpcarey. asu. edu/seid/upload/Value%20Full%20Report_final_october %202005a. pdf