Alternative Cancer Therapies As Deepak Chopra said: If you can wiggle your toes with the mere flicker of an intention, why can’t you reset your biological clock? If you could live in the moment you would see the flavor of eternity and when you metabolize the experience of eternity your body doesn’t age. Ayurveda is the science of life and it has a very basic, simple kind of approach, which is that we are part of the universe and the universe is intelligent and the human body is part of the cosmic body, and the human mind is part of the cosmic mind, and the atom and the universe are exactly the same thing but with different form, and the more we are in touch with this deeper reality, from where everything comes, the more we will be able to heal ourselves and at the same time heal our planet. (1) In the contemporary society, with all the high-tech and scientific developments arose a need for a new source of wisdom. Today, with all the achievements of the people there are still a lot of problems that cannot be solved. These problems mainly are connected with such problems as the issues of health and world peace. The Western civilization is a civilization of pragmatism.
There have to be exact responses and answers to everything that is happening in life. There seems to be no space for dreams or anything unconventional, something that cannot be proven scientifically. Today people more and more turn to the philosophy of the East. The wisdom of the East has taught modern people a lot: starting with way to make money more efficiently, finishing with the ways to preserve youth and health. One of the biggest health problems that needs the attention of people is the cure for cancer. There seems to be a lot of research done in the field of healing cancer, but all of the developments do not seem to strike the goal, and be able to fully heal cancer.
As medicine moved out of its primitive beginnings and joined the revolution in science, it is easy to understand why the spiritual dimension of healing was absent from serious discussion. Spirituality, with its nebulous connotation, sounded too much like the folk traditions of another era and did not have the clarity of the surgeon’s knife or the pharmacist’s pill. Today, however, it is only because medicine is on a firm scientific basis that the spiritual dimension of healing can be fairly evaluated. Although modern medicine has been slow to take up the challenge, this healing factor is now too obvious to ignore. (3) In the past 10 years in the whole world there seems to be a tendency towards alternative systems of healing cancer. These systems are being presented by numerous methods and schools, and also the use for healing cancer achievements of such disciplines as psychology, spiritual medicine, homeopathy, onkophytotherapy, all of this methods are primarily addressed to awakening the inner potential of people for healing.
Cancer is the unregulated growth and spread of cells. Cancer is a group of diseases in which a breakdown occurs in the normal processes that control the multiplication of cells. The three major causes of cancer are viruses, chemicals, and radiation. The most significant virus that causes cancer is the hepatitis B virus. The chemical that causes cancer most frequently is tobacco. The main radiation hazard is sunlight, which causes most skin cancers.
People who work with asbestos, tar, tar derivatives, certain chemicals or radioactive compounds are at increased risks of getting various types of cancers. There are three main types of malignant, or life-threatening, skin growths. These are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. Early diagnosis and removal offer a good chance of cure. Basal cell carcinoma is a type of cancer that tends to grow very slowly and rarely spreads. One common version is the ulcerated, or open-sore, form. The cell damage usually seems to result from long-term exposure to strong sunlight.
Basal cell carcinomas usually appear on the face, near the eye, or next to the nose. A basal cell ulcer can form a scab, and when the scab detaches the ulcer is revealed again. A cystic type of basal cell carcinoma grows on the bridge of the nose and appears as a relatively smooth, skin-colored lump. The lump gradually enlarges and may have blood vessels visible on the surface. This lump may grow and in 6 weeks it may become an ulcer with a hard border and a raw, moist center that may bleed. Sometime basal cell carcinomas develop as flat sores on the back and chest of people with light skin. This appears because these people probably have spent a lot of years in a sunny climate. Death from this type of cancer is rare. The most damage you get if you neglect the basal cell melanoma is that it has to be removed.
It can be removed by conventional surgery or by laser, frozen by cryosurgery, destroyed with a cautery device, or destroyed by radiation therapy. In squamous cell carcinoma underlying skin cells are damaged, and this leads to the development of a life threatening tumor, or lump. This tumor spreads out through the whole body. The most likely cause for this type of cancer is overexposure to the sun. The symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma are a firm, fleshy, hard-surfaced, sometimes scaly lump that develops and grows steadily. Sometimes it may look like a wart. Mostly it looks like an ulcer, but ulceration never heals completely.
The place that squamous cell carcinoma is most likely to appear is the ears and the hands, and other parts of the body that are constantly exposed to the sun. The treatment is usually effective if the lump is treated early. If the lump starts to metastasize, or invade the healthy cells with tumor cells, the outcome is usually fatal. Most squamous cell tumors are removed by cutting them away, cryosurgery, Mohs surgery, or radiation therapy. Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer because it metastasizes. The causes for development of malignant melanoma are changes in the underlying skin cells that produce melanin. This cancer develops sometimes from pigment cells that produce melanin, pigment cells in a mole present since birth, and sometimes in a mole that developed later. Melanoma may develop on any skin surface.
It may begin as a flat spot or a bump, usually with a visible black or brown pigment. The edges of a melanoma may be jagged, notched, or blurred, as opposed to normal moles. Melanomas are usually greater than 6 mm in diameter. Malignant melanoma occurs after a person has been sunbathing for years. The melanoma has to be removed very rapidly because if it is not, the result can be fatal. First, you will be tested for melanoma.
If the result is positive, than a surgeon will remove the cancer along with surrounding normal skin. If there is a lymph gland near the mole, it will be removed as well. A lot of doctors and philosophers today have adopted the practices of the East, combined them with their philosophy and transferred them into the language of the West, to teach and help people heal themselves. The two main authors that are going to be addressed in this essay are Deepak Chopra and Mirzakarim Norbekov. The main idea of the teaching of the East is that the person and the universe are on whole. The idea of spirit as a substantial component of the universe is of course an ancient one, fundamental to the traditional dualistic view most humans hold of the universe and themselves as part of that universe.
In this view, planets, rock, trees, and the human body are made of matter, but matter is not everything. Beyond matter exists mind, soul, or spirit, an ethereal substance that may even be more “real” than matter – the very quintessence of being. (2) People suffer not from what is happening, but from their attitude towards what is happening. Montagne. Paraphrasing this we can say that our victory is a situation is derived not from the circumstances of the situation, but from our attitude towards these circumstances. (!) As Mirzakarim Norbekov says: Chronic diseases attack those, who consider themselves losers. Why are we ill? Because we live up to 50% of our potential, we reflect the false setting that we have previously received.
For example, from childhood we were made to believe that in the healthy body lives a healthy spirit this statement is wrong to the core. The health of the body is set by the health of the spirit, and not otherwise. From the moment of birth human organism has a minimum of eight to the tenth power mechanism of rigidity. If you have diseases, do not panic, but also do not sit without doing anything. Mirzakarim Norbekov is a very famous man. He is a famous healer of our time.
He is the creator of a ….