Having a part-time job while studying brings advantages to university students. What is your opinion about this issue ? I am currently a university student, and I have a part-time job quite well in my spare time. What about you? What are you doing in your free time? Nowadays, part-time job is no longer unfamiliar to students. Therefore, more and more students decide to choose a part-time job during their study in university. Somebody says that it should have a part-time job ; however , the others do not.
In my opinion, having a part-time job takes a great deal of benefits for several reasons One of the reasons why students should have a part-time job is income. If students have a part-time job, they will have more income. Therefore, they will feel more confident about their financial. For example, many families are not rich to provide money for their children sufficiently, so students can earn money and pay a portion of their life. Hence, students help to reduce their families’ burden, and they can pay the cost of living needed partly by working.
Having more experience is the another reason which leads student to have a part-time job. When students have a part-time job, they can expand easily the soft skills such as : communication skills, handling situation, and time management skills. For example, if you are a tutor, you will improve gradually the ability to communicate well to others. Then students will be more confident in their own ability for future jobs. Hence, before getting a good job in the future, students should try to have a part-time job in order to have more experience. The opponent of having a part-time might say that students will neglect easily learning.
However, college students have a lot of free time, and they balance totally between learning and working. In deed,while working,students manage their time very effectively. Therefore, they just find a part-time job to match their timetable and still highly concentrated learning that everything will be all right. In conclusion, having a part-time job while studying brings advantages to university students such as : income, experiences. If people are young persons, especially university students, who want to have more experience to develop future job, so having a part-time job is a good chance to do it.