Coursework-Planning, Biology Investigating energy provided by different foods Variables to consider: Storage/Ageing of food Food preparation Composition of food Heating during preparation Mass of food Aim I intend to investigate the amount of energy released when you burn two different types of food. One product will be intended for slimming, the other will be non slimming. I am going to test the variable composition of food. I will be using biscuits, bread, cheese and crisps for my experiment. Prediction I think that the food intended for slimming will have less energy than the non-slimming food. I think this, because in order to successfully lose weight, you have to lower your energy intake, and the non-slimming foods contain more energy than foods intended for slimming.
I think that slimming foods will provide approximately one third less fat that foods not intended for slimming. Our bodies need energy to survive, and the food we eat gives us energy. This is used for all the activities in every day life. The fuel for respiration is our food. glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + energy The number of overweight people in the UK has been steadily rising, and more than half of the population is now overweight. There are several reasons why people are getting heavier.
Our environment and lifestyle make it difficult for us to keep a healthy weight, and there are many more high-fat foods readily available now. It’s official: Britain is the most obese country in Europe. This is the reason why many people turn to slimming products as an easy way to lose weight. This equation applies to a healthy person, but in an overweight person, some of the energy input is turned into excess energy, and is stored as fat.
Non-slimming food contains less energy, so there is less energy to be stored as fat. Energy in = (food and drink) Energy out (metabolism, and activity) Energy is measured in kilojoules (kJ).
This unit of energy used to be called the calorie, which is why some foods say ‘low calorie’ on the box. Our food consists of three main substances: carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
They all have different energy values.