Develop a clear vision and translate it into a meaningful mission statement. Our mission here at Moyo’s Jerzey Ink Mobile Tattoo Studio is to ensure that our clients are serviced in a clean, safe, and relaxed environment. Our vision is to provide quality service and help the local community. We want to be unique in every facet of the business such as the creation of your new custom piece, body modification, and cosmetic tattooing. We provide our services without decree or predetermined notions. Moyo’s Jerzey Ink will work hard for our consumers as well as abide by a moral compass in every interaction that we have with clients. We symbolize every individual who wants to exude their individualism by telling their personal story through art and ink. Assess the company’s strengths and weaknesses. The main strength we possess here at Moyo’s Jerzey Ink would be our differentiation. We strive to offer something to our clients that will set us apart from the other shops such as friendship, support for the local community we work in, and providing services in the comfort of your home.
Our weaknesses would include our inability to do portraits and the time frame in which services are provided. We need to cut down the time it takes for services rendered so that clients are more likely to come back if they are receiving quality work in a decent time frame. Scan the environment for significant opportunities and threats facing the business. First we want to start with the demographic in the area we are trying to tattoo in. We basically service any area of Florida it is financially feasible to travel to. Next we need to focus on the culture which is prevalent in the towns we are working in making sure that our advertisements do not offend anyone and we are revered as a legitimate hard working small business. It is also important to get a census on the economic condition of the towns as well as find out what the surrounding artists are charging so we can come right in between that.
These things will tell us what we are dealing with. If there are towns that are predominantly religious we now know to stay away from there. The laws are very important and are always to be followed so it is imperative to find out what laws Florida has for tattooing. Our threat and opportunity tends to be the same we are a mobile artist and that is wonderful for the consumer but not so wonderful for us. A major threat is that there are no other mobile artists and not every person’s home will meet the requirements of the laws. We need to find a way to offer these services legally because if not local police can raid our home and seize our tattoo supplies. (According to Florida, 2014),
“Effective January 1, 2012, the Department of Health (the department) implemented sections 381.00771-381.00791, Florida Statutes (F.S.), The Practice of Tattooing. These statutes require licensure of tattoo artists and tattoo establishments, and also set forth educational requirements and standards of practice for conventional and cosmetic tattoo artists, and operational requirements for tattoo establishments. Chapter 64E-28, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), which became effective September 5, 2012, details the statutory requirements for tattoo establishments and tattoo artists. It is recommended that tattoo establishment owners and operators as well as tattoo artists review the requirements of both the statute sections and the rule chapter to ensure compliance with requirements for both artists and establishments.
The statute also provides restrictions of tattooing of a minor child. Additional information may be found at section 381.00787, F.S., – Tattooing prohibited; penalty.-“ Identify the key factors for success in the business. There are three key factors we want to focus on here at Moyo’s Jerzey Ink which would be maintaining positive relationships with our clients, managing our money well, and the development of new services as they are offered in the industry. For example, the newest services out are 3-D tattooing and scarification. This is becoming increasingly popular. The idea is that we will build a large clientele through our mobile business and eventually have enough to open a shop and add more artists to the mix. At the shop we will offer all the same services we did as a mobile business and with an increase in employees we will still be able to venture out to the customer’s home if that is what they are more comfortable with.
Analyze the competition. In order to analyze the competition we will have to search the tattoo shops in our area as well as find out which “scratchers” are popular. A “scratcher” is a name for a tattoo artist with no license who travels and charges very cheap prices. They can become a serious competition for any shop because there are many artists who don’t want to pay the booth rental so they work for themselves out of their home. Investigating the pricing information and services offered at the other shops is important so that we can offer prices that are fair to the artist and the consumer as well as cover the bills and supplies. Create company goals and objectives. Our goal is to open a physical location in one year’s time. The objectives are to first get the mobile aspect off the ground legally making sure to stay inside all health regulations.
Next is to take a portion of the money we make each day and put it to the side for our shop location. In order to kick the shop off properly we will have a festival at Dewey Booster Park located in our town Deltona, Florida. During this festival we will offer Henna, face painting, and there will be drawing so that cancer patients can win a free session in order to get their areola tattooed back on after mastectomy. We will also be inviting a local dog rescue called Pitbulls in Paradise. We will band together that day to raise money for the rescue, American Cancer Society, and for our physical location. This will help to introduce us into the community as socially responsible business owners. Formulate strategic options and select the appropriate strategies. The strategic strategy that we will be using is Differentiation. In order to build loyal relationships with our customers we need to provide the public and consumers with surveys which ask specific questions so that we cannot keep our clients happy but also keep the community comfortable with the presence of the shop.
This will help to set our shop apart from the rest. Another way we can relate to our community and consumers is through being socially responsible which is why we are joining forces with the Breast Cancer Society as well as the rescue Pitbulls in Paradise. Translate Strategic Plans into Action Plans. First we will need to outline our initiatives and check them off the list one by one. Success will be measured in the first year by the ability to pay the overhead as well as turn a profit. Thereafter the festival/fundraiser will be another way to ensure the success of the business as well as build a good relationship with the community. We will need an initiative leader and a strong crew to carry out our plans. I will be heading up this project and we will be using the members of The National Society for Collegiate Scholars to help run the event as I am president for the University of Phoenix Chapter.
This gives me a competitive edge because it shows those not only are we socially responsible but equip to make good decisions and keep the neighborhood safe. It shows that I would not bring people into the shop that would make the community feel unsafe and by having the fundraiser we will be attracting the right crowd. Establish Accurate Controls. In order to maintain operational value we will implement an Enterprise System which will control everything. It will keep track of our funds and major accounting information as well as hold onto our customer’s personal information.
It can organize our ties with the rescues and manage the money we are saving for a shop. It will also tally up the results of the surveys we will be sending out through email and present us with a plan which highlights our strengths and weaknesses in the business. Conclusion. In conclusion throughout this strategic management process paper we have detailed measures Moyo’s Jerzey Ink will take to ensure that our business plans are organized and the goals are within reach. There are not many mobile tattoo artists who are operating legally so this will set us apart from the rest and show people that we are a responsible and durable business.
Reference (2012).
Retrieved from For Dummies. (2014).
Retrieved from Florida (2014).
Retrieved from Small Business Chron. (2014).
Retrieved from