Social responsibility is a business code of ethics which affects the behavior not only towards the environment, but also to its customers, employees, and investors. These responsibilities are not only for the corporation but also for the investors and operators. The responsibilities of any business should always consider its behavior towards society. The areas of social responsibility that are the most important in any business are its affect on the environment, customers and its employees. A responsibility that businesses have towards the environment includes air, water, and land pollution. It is important that the business plan is effective for the environment to prevent environmental pollution.
Either land, air, or water pollution is caused by businesses that do not have effective ways of distributing their companies waste. Companies with such characteristics fall under the obstructionist stance, “a company does as little as possible to solve social or environmental problems” (business ethics, 58).
Air pollution is a result of large amounts of chemicals such as carbon monoxide emitted into the air by automobiles, smoke stacks and some products produced by these manufactures. Acid rain, carbon monoxide and sulphur emission in the air are reaction to the pollution being placed in the various items. Water pollution is caused by companies dumping their waste into large bodies of water causing deformation of the sea species and reducing their population. Land pollution is caused by business damaging property and not restoring the quality of land that has already been damaged to benefit your company.
Customers are one of the most important parts of a business. Responsible businesses knows the rights of its customers which are, the right to buy a safe product, the right to be informed, the right to be heard, and the right to choose what they buy. Without the customers there would be no business, because the customers are considered to be the users of product and product it business. The responsibilities towards employees are usually over looked but the employees are also an effective part of a business.
“Recruiting, hiring, training, promoting, and compensating, are the foundation for social responsibility towards employees.” (Business Ethics, 60) Businesses need to treat everyone of their potential employees equally. All people have the right to an interview, if their skills meet the businesses needs. Once an employee of the business everyone should have the same amount of opportunities to excel in the business without regard to the person’s sex, race, or other irrelevant factor. Businesses that discriminate against people leave themselves open for a lawsuit.
Social responsibility is and should be the foundation of any successful business that is being started, or already running. Without these essential rules and guidelines that businesses follow, it would be almost impossible to have a successful operation with more profits as apposed to debt. The core principles, which are unchanged is the starting point of a business, this makes the business what it is. Organizational objectives are not changed so often but sometimes revised. The strategies and practices are revised frequently and more often changed or altered because of promotional and marketing reasons.